MAYDAY.US - Our Top Donors

Donors with $10,000+ in Donations

Name Zip Code Total Donated
David Albertson32790$10,000
Chris Anderson10013$250,000
Roy Brakeman02481$10,000
R. Bradford Burnham10011$100,000
Shawn Byers94062$50,000
Matt & Cindy Cutts94024$100,000
Matthew L. Daniel94115$36,000
Alan Davis94159$10,000
John Doerr94070$250,000
Daniel Dranove60035$10,000
Scott Faber94115$10,000
Eric Fredricksen95030$10,000
Nikolai A. Gieschen10009$12,500
Paul Graham94301$50,000
Paul Haahr94131$10,000
Amanda Hanley60604$10,000
Mike Hansen60015$10,000
Barry Hershey01742$25,000
Arnold Hiatt02110$250,000
Mellody Hobson60611$250,000
Reid Hoffman94126$1,150,000
Gerald Huff94707$10,664
Spence Jackson78703$17,000
Philip H. Jensen94306$11,000
David Joerg11215$10,000
John Johnson10510$100,000
Whit Jones83702$15,000
J. Kaempfer22101$50,000
Christopher P. Kaneb02138$10,000
Jeffrey Katzenberg90064$25,000
Stephen M. Kaufman77056$10,000
Clay Kenan Kirk10021$15,000
Gary Lauder94027$10,000
James Lindenbaum94118$20,000
Robert A. Lyman94061$10,000
Alexander Macgillivray94111$25,000
James Mai10022$100,000
Rebecca Mai & David Mitnick$10,000
Brian & Bethelly McClendon94028$10,000
David Mills$15,000
David Milner02809$100,000
Ed Mullen34102$14,500
Eric D. Nguyen94131$10,025
Timothy F. O'Reilly94610$15,000
Jennifer Pahlka94610$10,000
Sean Parker95762$500,000
Alex Payne10028$10,000
Jeffrey K. Roberts98033$25,000
Jeff Rodman94116$103,250
Hein Roehrig91789$10,000
Vincent Ryan02111$750,300
John Scudder48103$10,000
Russel Simmons94107$104,000
Ian & Leisel Simmons02138$101,000
Jonathan Soros10106$10,000
Nancy Stillman01720$10,000
Pat Stryker80524$300,000
Marci Surfas92660$10,000
Steve & Ellen Susman77019$50,000
Peter Thiel94129$150,000
William Von Mueffling10019$100,000
Jeff Weiner94025$10,000
Nancy G. Whitney11790$25,000
Evan Williams94110$400,000
Fred & Joanne Wilson10014$100,000
Caleb Wright94041$10,100
Carla Young60093$25,000
Progressive Change Campaign Committee20056$193,336

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